At Peacock Pediatrics, our top priority is the well-being of our patients and their families. We respect the rights of all parents/guardians to make decisions and understand that you also want what is best for your child. In regard to immunizations, we strongly believe in the effectiveness of vaccines to save lives and prevent serious illness. We firmly believe that all children and young adults should receive vaccinations according to those published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Family Physicians. Based on the current evidence in multiple studies, it has been overwhelmingly shown that vaccines are safe and effective. We commit to reviewing pertinent evidence regarding the safety of immunizations. Vaccinating children and young adults may be the single most important health-promoting intervention we can perform as pediatricians and that you can perform as parents/guardians.
It is because vaccines are so effective at preventing illness that the discussion whether immunizations should be given even exists. This has been proven by the eradication of smallpox, the near eradication of polio, and in more recent years, the significant decrease in meningitis. This has led to a decreased awareness and respect for the serious illness and their devastating consequences. In fact, increasing numbers of vaccine refusals have led to outbreaks of diseases which have previously been on the decline. By refusing to immunize your child, you are taking advantage of thousands of others who do immunize, and you place other children and adults at risk of life-threatening diseases.
Therefore, we, the providers of Peacock Pediatrics:
● Require that all patients be completely immunized according to the schedule recommend by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;
● Require that immunizations be started at the first well visit;
● Are willing to discuss any questions you may have regarding immunizations at the separate visit, scheduled for that purpose.
If you feel that you cannot comply with this policy, you will need to find another health care provider. We do not have a list of these providers, nor would we recommend them. There is no controversy regarding the safety of immunizations; immunizing your child is the right decision. At Peacock Pediatrics we look forward to working with you to provide the best care possible for your child.

Find more information about vaccine safety here:
Find more information about general vaccine questions here: